
I was born in Aguachica, a small town in the south caribean region of Colombia, it is not a particular famous place, except for being the fist city in Colombia where a peace referendum was carried out.

My interest for phyiscs started in higschool watching some episodes of the series The mechanical Universe and Cosmos. But the feeling went deeper reading a book of introduction to physics that my two years older brother gave me because he was finished the first semester at University.

Moving to Bogota (la nevera) at age 17 was the most extreme change of enviroment I have ever done. I was living for the first time by my own, far from my family, in a complete strange, big, noisy, gray, cold, rainy city where the slogan “2600 meters closer to the stars” just meant getting tired goin up stairs to my room, and that I will go peeing three times more time than usual.